Selected statements from the book, "Life of Pi" by Yann Martel. What was special about the book, is that Martel uses alot of metaphores that creates detailed visuals in the readers mind.These are the statements that I have chosen that have given me an imaginative and playful visual. 
The Poster : Ch41 - pg 78 : “The tarpaulin was sturdy canvas, not a Japanese paper wall. I had landed upon it from a height.Richard Parker could shred it with his claws with a little time and effort, but he couldn't pop through it like a jack-in-the-box. And he had not seen me. Since he had not seen me, he had no reason to claw his way through it.”
Scene 1
The inroduction of the charcaters in the story. A boy mistakenly thought to be named after a mathemtically symbol or a delicious desert.
And a tiger named after a humans name "Richard Parker"
Scene 2
Ch 38 - Pg 75 : “The ship was sinking. My mind could hardly conceive it. It was as unbelievable as the moon catching fire.”
Scene 3
Ch 37 Pg 73: “Ravi was right. Truly I was to be the next goat. I had a wet, trembling, half-drowned, heaving and coughing three-year-old adult Bengal tiger in my lifeboat. Richard Parker rose unsteadily to his feet on the tarpaulin, eyes blazing as they met mine, ears laid tight to his head, all weapons drawn. His head was the size and colour of the lifebuoy, with teeth.”
Life of Pi

Life of Pi

