Whitney Wade's profile

Granola Jones Packaging

You know when you're feelin' a little tropical so you decide to go put on your coconut top and stand in the surf with the tide hitting your ankles but then you realize you're actually just standin' there with two cereal bowls on your chest and there's milk everywhere and your cat is standing at your feet lapping it all up while you laugh and laugh 'cause it tickles?
That's when you know you're Jonesin'.
You know when it's your favorite meal of the day and you start thinkin' everyone at the breakfast table is eyeing your plate of French toast and you don't wanna share so you take off runnin' and before you know someone's after you but come to find out it's just your mom chasin' you down the street because you're still in your PJs and you've her best china tucked under your arm?
That's when you know you're Jonesin'.
You know when you're on the phone tryin' to call your buddy to see if he'll pick up some more granola on his way over but he won't answer and you're like, "What the heck, man?" and you get mad and squeeze the phone so hard it explodes, which is when you realize the reason your buddy wasn't answering the phone is because you were tryin' to call him with a banana?
That's when you know you're Jonesin'.

You know that feeling when you just love chocolate so much that you feel like you're in heaven dancin' around on a chocolate cloud but then you're like, "Hey, why is it so loud up here?" and come to find out it's the lawn mower you're pushing over your neighbor's dirt patch in figure-eights and you're covered in dirt not cocoa powder so you should probably quit lickin' your arm?
That's when you know you're Jonesin'.

You know when the granola's all gone so you run to the grocery store to get more but then you're like "Whoa, how did I get here?" and then you realize you never left the store in the first place and the whole time you've been wandering around all willy-nilly leaving a lil' trail behind you and now everyone's lookin' at you like you did something wrong but you were really just havin' a snack?
That's when you know you're Jonesin'.
Granola Jones Packaging

Granola Jones Packaging

You know when you just really want some handmade, small batch granola made with natural, and whenever possible, locally sourced ingredients? That Read More
