A Look from Afar
This image was a part of the Landscape Photography work. The natural lighting itself created hues that set a calm and peaceful mood. Landscape photography help show the beauty in nature; and sometimes that beauty can be appreciated from afar. For this image; I used an F-stop of 4.3 with a focus of 224 ft, a shutter speed of 1/1250 of a second, a focal length of 28.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR.
Charlotte Memorial Garden
The colors of the trees and the leaves on the ground gave the scene a vibrant highlight. The accompanying flowers at each grave site are contrasting but yet create a sense of commemoration. For this image; I used an F-stop of 8.0 with a focus of 105 ft, a shutter speed of 1/640 of a second, a focal length of 18.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR. 
In Motion
As a part of the pieces put together for landscape photography; this image represents nature and the season. The parched brown leaves on the ground and the respective green and vibrant red leaves on the trees signify nature running its course. For this image; I used an F-stop of 9.0 with a focus of 117 ft, a shutter speed of 1/400 of a second, a focal length of 75.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR.
Potrait:Catching a Dream
The subject of the potrait is my cousin Patience. . The expression being given can be described as serious and ready. I named this piece "Catching a Dream" because the subject has always longed to be a recognized model. For this image; I used an F-stop of 5.6 with a focus of 151 ft, a shutter speed of 1/320 of a second, a focal length of 90.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR. 
Potrait: Now or Never
I named this potrait based on the expression on the subject's face. The subject is seen to not be smiling but instead seems to be looking intently out of the picture and into the eyes of the viewer. Her eyes convey an expression of calmness along with a hint of seriousness. For this image; I used an F-stop of 5.6 with a focus of 75 ft, a shutter speed of 1/500 of a second, a focal length of 57.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR.
Vibrant as the smile she wears
I labled this piece of potrait the above name based on the vibrant dress that the subject wears and the accompanying wide smile across her face. The complimenting colors of the subject's dress suites the background. For this image; I used an F-stop of 5.6 with a focus of 125 ft, a shutter speed of 1/320 of a second, a focal length of 81.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR.
Zooming By- Shutter Speed
This particular piece was a part of the assignment for shutter speed. The white car in motion illustrates an example of a slow shutter speed image. The shutter speed controls the impression of the motion of the car in the image. For this image; I used an F-stop of 5.6 with a focus of 24 ft, a shutter speed of 1/25 of a second, a focal length of 53.0 and no ND filter or CLEAR.
Fake Vibrant Flowers
The vibrant red and pleasant white colors of the flowers create a sense of peace and harmony. The interesting thing about still live photography is the art of turning something static into something compelling. The natural lighting and the simple backdrop along with the rule of thirds make this a compelling compositional piece. For this image; I used an F-stop of 5.6 with a focus of 3.5 ft, a shutter speed of 1/100 of a second, a focal length of 72.0 and 1/16 ND. 
Late For Dinner
This was one of the last projects  near the end of the class. It is a 1 minute short video that tells a story about a woman waiting for her husband to come home for dinner.
CVD Portfolio

CVD Portfolio

This project was given to us by Mr. Randell Baker from my Composition and Visual Design for Digital Cinematography class. I had a great learning Read More


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