Just Soap is a hygenic product inspired by a style of house that is located near where I live. This house is a very old house and has an Italianate style. The Italianate style was born in the Victorian era and features of this style were relatively simple. Most houses of this style are square, tall, and with flat roofs. The house that is in my neighborhood is small and modest but also stands out because it is located on a corner. The house is also constructed of brick. 
From my observations of the house I pulled away that it was a very honest and straightforward house. It functioned in the way a house was supposed to but had not other significant features that made it super appealing. So to translate that into a package, I pulled the straightforward characteristic and created Just Soap. Naturally I thought that gearing this product towards men made logical sense. In my opinion men are not as picky when it comes to choosing beauty products for themselves. I'm sure most men buy what stands out to them and don't waste time shopping for beauty products. 
Just Soap For Men

Just Soap For Men

Just Soap For Men. A soap bar that gets straight to the point.
