Q: What message or narrative are you trying to communicate in your artwork?
A: I am trying to communicate that I am a creative and bold person which I showed through the colors and my body language.  Red is used to show that someone is bold or youthful and purple is used to show creativity and knowledge and both are used in my portrait because I feel like those traits accurately describe my personality.  My body language is not tense, and not straight-on either, so I am trying to come across as friendly and my is red because I can be pretty hot-headed at times and my shirt is blue because I am creative and wear clothes that express things about me.
Q: Find an artist from art history (Search Google Art Project or The Artchive) that you believe may have been trying to communicate a similar message. Obviously this artist did not create vector art, but they are trying to communicate with their artwork.
A: The artwork I found on Google Art Project I think is trying to communicate the same or a similar message because the girl is smiling and her pose is not straight on, she is turned to the side and appears to be relaxed. Also the colors are not harsh and appear to make the portrait look softer.
Q: Who is the artist? What is the name of their artwork? How did they go about communicating a similar message as you? What symbols or other visual cues did they use? How is that approach similar to your artwork? How is it different?
A: The artist is Élisabeth Louise Vigée-LeBrun and the name of the artwork is Portrait of Princess Belozersky.  The visuals used in the painting are the colors, such as yellow and blue, which mean dependable and kind and they are also calming colors so they overall portrait has a feeling of tranquility.  Also the clothes are not extremely formal and they make the girl look friendlier.  The features on her face are also softened to make her appear to be approachable and nice
The vector self portrait project was a project for Digital Image Design 2: Digital Illustration, and to create the portrait I took a picture, and outlined it on Adobe Illustrator.  I filled the various shapes in with solid colors to keep it simple and vector, but I occassionally added some gradients to add depth (ex. mouth, lockers).  Details were kept simple and added to the overall vector style of the portrait. 
Vector Portrait

Vector Portrait

Digital Image Design Unit 2 Vector Self Portrait
