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This is a professional recording studio. It is used mostly to record vocals by music artists.
Jackson Gant adjusting the levels to the equipment used for mixing. Mixing is a major requirement for artists which involves leveling the sounds and vocals out to create a radio like sound quality. This is only done after everything has been recorded.
D.G. recording lyrics to a new song. The headphones allow him to hear the instrumental, while the microphone picks up his voice.
Jackson Gant(left) and son D.G.(right) copy a recently completed song to a compact disc after the session has ended. This father son duo has completed over eight songs together.  With D.G. as the artist and Jackson Gant as the engineer, the music is sure to cater the newer generation.

Left)D.G. recording inside of vocal booth. (Right)Jackson Gant who produced the beat, monitors D.G. outside of vocal booth. This ensures no mistakes are made during the recording process.
After arriving to a recording session, rap artist D.G. writes lyrics while listening to an instrumental. His claims his lyrics to be inspired from events in his life.
Final project

Final project

I created this design as a class project. It was fun to learn new things such as these.
