Brand and product refresh for popular Māori language website and mobile apps
AUT University commissioned a complete redesign of their popular Māori Dictionary web and mobile apps. The design challenge was to present the myriad of search options and dictionary entries (with different media types) in the most simple and easy-to-use format that would translate well across all devices: traditional web app, as well as native mobile apps for iPad, iPhone, and Android.
Working with vo2, I provided art direction, branding, and interface design that could be applied to all different devices without compromising the experience for any of them. The result is a seamless web, tablet, and mobile app experience that makes Te Reo Māori more accessible than ever before, while maintaining a consistent look and feel with the Te Whanake family of sites of which Māori Dictionary is associated.
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Art Direction
Responsive Web Design
Interaction Design
Mobile App Design
Māori Dictionary

Māori Dictionary

Branding, Art Direction & Design for Website & Mobile Apps AUT University commissioned a complete redesign of their popular Māori Dictionary web Read More
