Quetzalli was a Mayan Princess, daughter of the Mayan king Hunab Ku.
The Goddess Ixchel prophesied the coming of eternal darkness if not sacrificed to the Sun God,the king Hunab Ku absolutely refuses to offer sacrifice, because this sacrifice was his beloved princess Quetzalli.
The first day of the uayeb an eclipse happened that lasted for more than 12 minutes, long enough to shake the people and demands the kings sacrifice, the king had to agree with all the sadness in his heart.When the sacrifice was offered the eclipse came to an end causing a huge satisfaction to the Mayan people and reminding Quetzalli as their savior that calm the anger of the Sun God.
The ornaments of her dress was made of Quetzal feathers, this dress was used to develop an ornament that was inherited from generation to generation, from king to prince, or anyone who was worthy of it.
This crest (penacho) was stolen by the Mexicas in the fifteenth century of our era and offered to the Spanish as a peace offering.
This penacho is still preserved in a museum in Spain.


Oil, Acrylic, Chapopote (tar) 40cm x 28 cm


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