Madhumay Sinha's profile

Butt why?! - Long Copy

Butt why?!

“... Where the clear stream of reason has indeed lost its way into the dreary desert cracks of dead butts”

They are behind you!

They will reason with you on why engineering, Medical or UPSC is human while anything else could destroy the world. They will paint your art in black because white reflects. They will stitch up every patch of fashion on your body for your dressing sensibilities have not been culturally tailored. They will be your valentine because your name came in their lucky draw. They will rule your sexual roost until you tie the knot of Indian folklore.

You see, life is too short to inhale unsolicited farts of disturbing suggestions. Our nostrils are not for sale. 

Send them a message of love, wrapped in a foil of sarcasm. Lend them a helping hand that grabs them by their neck. Make them a recipe of compassion, while they're still on the burner. Take their blessings with an open heart before you pull their pants down. Be with them in their tough times by being their tough times. Give them the hope to move on in life, and help them get out sooner.

But if that's too sweet for you, show them some wings of freedom, fists of choice and stomach of patience. Show them that existence is not about living in a bubble or breathing in vacuum.

Show them all you've got by just being you. Yes, YOU. Because you are all you've got. And that's enough to change the world.
Butt why?! - Long Copy

Butt why?! - Long Copy



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