Katelyn Ratajczak's profile

Project #3: Pixel Art

“Everything we do is music.” —John Cage
> Design with non-pictorial narratives in the abstract.
> Create visual responses to the emotions of the music.
> Control the abstract with grids and elements of structure.
> Image manipulation & color correction.
> Identify the differences in designing online products vs designing for print.
> Prepare files for print and web materials.
> Conform to project specifications/design requirements.
> Have a complete and thorough knowledge of working with pixel based tools.
> Develop a skilled eye for image and type composition.
artist: florence + the machine
album: how big, how blue, how beautiful
Thank You!
Project #3: Pixel Art

Project #3: Pixel Art

For this project, I chose to design the cover of Florence + the Machine's most recent album: How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful. I incorporated my Read More
