Distinctly Dubai's profile

Autism + Art + Architecture + Fashion

 Like all the images on this site - the images in this project are created from Dubai architecture.
Unlike the other images, they are not created from photographs - they are created from an architectural drawing on leaflet promoting a new state-of-the-art facility in Dubai for children who are on the Autistic Spectrum .
I liked the way the architect introduced blocks of colours to clad areas of the exterior. These colours will have been carefully researched and identified as "Autistic Friendly"

Psychologists have long understood that colors can have a dramatic effect on mood and behavior, a concept known as Color Psychology.
Decorators use color to create excitement, peace, creativity, and calm.
Autistic children and adults tend to have heightened senses, and the way they see or perceive color is likely heightened as well due to sensory differences.
The concept of color psychology, or chromology, is a hot topic in marketing, art, and design. It is the study of how different colors affect people emotionally and psychologically.
The effect of colors is not a new concept. Many cultures have used colors as a way to heal, and achieving balance in life.
Even in death - cultures choose different colours to mourn - it could be black, white or blue - depending on where you live.
Colors can be calming, soothing, and conducive to learning, or they can be agitating, confusing, and painful to an autistic child.
Autistics can be highly sensitive to colours.  An analogy (which photographers would understand) is comparing a photograph which is very pleasing on the eye - and then cranking up the saturation, sharpness, vibrance etc to create an image which is so not easy on the eye that it makes them feel ill.
A possible solution for many parents, who do not have the support of specialsists, is to try to identify the colours, shapes and patterns which create calm - and those which create chaos.
The fashion industry could also assist by creating a range of "Autistic Friendly" clothing.
The above images and dress visuals may be very interesting and pleasing for some children and adults on the autistic spectrum - to many they may be very disturbing.
The above visuals may be very boring to the majority of people, including many on the autistic spectrum.
However to many they will be very calming  - they are "safe" colours and no potential jarring and disturbing pattern.
The new Dubai Autism Center has been designed with the autistic child in mind - the colours of the cladding on the exterior are autistic friendly. Although many may not normally feel calm with a strong pattern - some may associate the image with the building where they feel their most comfortable.
The images above have not been created by a qualified specialist in Autism. Comments on the visuals as artwork and particularly comments/messages from parents of autistic children or experts in the field would be gratefully received.
Autism + Art + Architecture + Fashion

Autism + Art + Architecture + Fashion

Investigation into applying photography, art and designs which are autistic friendly
