Elvin Ho's profile

Sukhoi T-50 Stealth Fighter (WIP)

Sukhoi T-50 Pak Fa Stealth Fighter.  I changed from modeling the Chinese Stealth fighter to this one instead.  This one has been developed more and there are more photos available of this fighter.  This will be the antagonist to my F-15 model in my short film.  
I tried to loft curves of the cross-sections, the same way I did for the F-15, but the curves were too complex for this technique.
I chose to start over and box model instead
Wings extruded.  Very complex wing design.
Other details to the wings, such as leading edge slats, flaps, ailerons and horizontal stabilizers modeled.
Vertical stabilizer extruded.  Next step are the details, vents, engine nozzles, etc...
Sukhoi T-50 Stealth Fighter (WIP)


Sukhoi T-50 Stealth Fighter (WIP)

antagonist to my F-15 for my short film
