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Various Photoshop Editing

The following images demonstrate the ability to remove imperfections from skin using Photoshop.
For both I used the healing brush to paint over the moles/spots and then the camera RAW filter to smooth out the facial lines in the older model and add detail to the right eye and contrast to the face of the younger model.
The next two images show an under exposed image and a brightened, more appealing image adjusted using the camera RAW filter. I adjusted the exposure, clarity and black levels to add contrast to the finished image.
The next two show how to adjust for over exposure. I again adjusted using the camera RAW filter. I lowered the exposure and boosted the darks and lights to add contrast and interest.
Group Photo Fix
These three are an example of how to fix a group photo when someone blinks. I stacked the first two as layers and lowered the opacity of the top layer so I could line up the heads of the guy to the right. I then returned the opacity to 100% and added a layer mask to it. I used a small eraser to erase the area around the right most guys eyes.
For this one I used the liquify filter to remove the love handle. I pushed in the love handle and shadow but I wasn't happy with the warped look of the areas so I used the healing brush to fix the texture of the skin, waistband, and background.
Vertical Perspective Fix
This one was adjusted using the camera RAW filter. I used the lens correction to fix the vertical perspective and adjust the horizontal perspective. I used the grid overlay to make sure the edges were straight. When I looked at the adjusted image in Photoshop I wasn't thrilled with some of the edges so I used perspective and distort editing to make it just a little straighter. The areas that were left blank from the adjustments were filled using the content aware function.
Various Photoshop Editing

Various Photoshop Editing

A few examples of fixing various problems using Photoshop.
