‘Reverdie’ is a French term meaning ‘all at once the return of good weather, the sense of happiness it inspires, and the birth of feelings of love’ or, literally, ‘re-greening’. I stumbled across the term in Michel Pastoureau's book Green: The History of a Color, and his definition seems to embody many of the emotional and sensory associations I have with the color green. In the actualization of this project, my intent was to explore and express the tactile affiliations I have with this color.
To me, green has always had positive connotations- correct answers, melting snow- but at its essence green is the color of fertility, new beginnings, and growing things. With this in mind, I felt it was important to make a ‘green’ object that expresses growth, change, and a sort of joie de vivre. By joining strands of stainless steel beading wire at calculated points along their lengths, I created this neckpiece which can flex like a knit fabric while maintaining the structure expected from a metal piece. 
Photography by Lucas Vasilko
Personal Research


‘Reverdie’ is a French term meaning ‘all at once the return of good weather, the sense of happiness it inspires, and the birth of feelings of lov Read More
