Henrique Alvez's profile

3D Set Project: The Scare Floor from Monsters, inc.

The purpose of this Scare Floor project was to reproduce a set from a 3D animated picture in its finest details and the result of a long period of research, 3D modeling, setting, texturing and rendering. The process from the first models to the final scene can be seen below.
Autodesk Maya was the main software that was used to produce the final models of the entire set. The concern was not only about the graphic quality of the final pieces, but also jumping in every single object to edit and refine its UVs, so the texturing process could be done right and the objects would have the right look in the final renders.
Some examples of the textures produced for the objects used in set. All of them were made by me, exclusevily for this job. Photoshop and Zbrush were the softwares used to make and refine each and everyone of them.
With the models set and textures, lights and cameras placed. The final images could finally be produced. All, using the non-commercial version of Pixar's Renderman.
3D Set Project: The Scare Floor from Monsters, inc.

3D Set Project: The Scare Floor from Monsters, inc.

3D set project for the first segment of the 3D animation course at RMIT university.
