Ryan Green's profile

Spokane 2026: Winter Olympics Bid

THE OLYMPICS have always been one of my favorite things. I don't really follow many sports nor do I really care about the World Series or Superbowl, but for some reason when the Olympics come on I follow nearly every event. Ever since I was a kid, I loved hearing the stories of all the athlete's competing and watching the history that inevitably takes place each and every game. It has always been a dream of mine to one day attend one of the games. So this project is a shout out to that dream.

I live in Spokane - a city on the eastern side of Washington.
Unfortunately, I am not too sure Spokane will ever see a Olympic Games, but I wanted to challenge myself and create an Olympic branding for the city that is so close to my heart. So if Spokane were to ever become a nominee for the Winter Olympic games, here is what I think it would look like. 
One of the biggest events to ever take place in Spokane's history was Expo 74'. It was the first World's Fair to be environmentally themed and helped shape many of Spokane's downtown features. 
The hexagon shape of the logo is directly influenced by that specific piece of Spokane's history. 
Winter is best symbolized by the weather that tends to happen around that time. Namely - snow. 
The Olympic games bring together the world's most talented athletes and show the world's strength and ability to put aside differences and compete. Each small circle indicates a person and/or a country. The Olympics are a time where the countries and can come together and compete in the spirit of competition and togetherness. Each small person in the logo creates imagery of holding hands together with everyone else in order to make the whole logo work together. 
Spokane 2026: Winter Olympics Bid

Spokane 2026: Winter Olympics Bid

If Spokane were to ever have a Winter Olympic bid, this is what I believe it would look like.
