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VW Think Tank- 2013 Jetta Mock Ad

 VW Think Tank- 2013 Jetta Mock Ad

By:James Fenske
 Contact:James FenskeGonzaga University 3912502 E. Boone Ave.Spokane, WA 99258+1.605.939.8551
CopyrightCopyright  2012 James Fenske


The Volkswagon Think Tank is a glassy futuristic room with 40 front-facing chairs situated in a 10X10 square. Above each chair hangs a neurological skullcap monitor for reading brainwaves. Next to the chair square sits a raised platform with electromagnetic nodules aiming down upon it. It is apparent that the nodules and brain monitors are somehow connected. 40 people: 20 ENGINEERS, 10 SCIENTISTS and 10 Post-Modern Dreadlock GURU Sophisticate types sit, segregated in their respective groups. From ABOVE, the square looks like a rigid Peace Sign, given the segregated three-way divide of each group. 20 homogenous-looking Engineers wear cleanly cut clothes and leather work aprons, each neatly and precisely apportioned with a medley of engineering measures and devices. 10 Gurus dressed in intricate green/brown/earth tone urban wear sit next to the 10 Scientists in lab coats, playing with colorfully filled beakers and test tubes.

Straightfaced, ALL buckle themselves into the skull caps, and synchronously put their thinking faces on, resulting in a mash-up of squinting eyes, clenched brows, protruding tongues, grunts and squealing muse faces. As though giving mental birth, a 2013 Jetta materializes on the platform. 

We focus on the Jetta.


Panning out, we see ALL thinkers have intermixed, giving a more holisitic, unified feel to the previously separated group as though the Jetta, in turn, has reciprocated its own engineering magic.

Engineer 1 looks around at the befuddled group and gleefully back at the Jetta.

(In German)

VW: Das Auto brand page.


Beginning at the segregated group, sitting connect to their skull caps.

ALL begin their thinking faces.

In all, about a quintillion neurons went into the making of the 2013 Jetta.

Jetta materializes.


ALL thinkers have intermixed.

Engineer 1 looks around at the befuddled group and gleefully back at the Jetta.

(In German)

Make that a quintillion-and-one. 
Introducing the all new Volkswagon Jetta. Engineering, perfected.

VW: Das Auto brand page.
VW Think Tank- 2013 Jetta Mock Ad

VW Think Tank- 2013 Jetta Mock Ad

Something's bound to happen with this many synapses firing.
