a surplus store branding project
Reinvention is a store located in Boston, Massachusetts as well as online, that sells products entirely made out of items normally thrown in landfills. You have the option to come in with junk such as plastic bags, bottle caps, old clothes, electronics, etc and have our local artisist turn them into a product of your choice for your personal use or have them produced into other various re purposed products that would be sold in our store. Reinvention helps bring awareness to the consumer to show that you don't have to buy everything new and even have fun turning your old belongings to something useful for someone.
poster 1
poster 2
poster 3
outside brochure
inside brochure
merchandise : stickers, re-useable bags, and shipping boxes 
merchandise : shirts and buttons


Reinvention is a store located in Boston, Massachusetts and online that sells products entirely made out of items normally thrown in landfills. Read More
