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Plausible Extraterrestrial Life

Gliese 667 Cc - Horned Padfoot
The padfoot uses its horn to dig up the mounds made by insect-like creatures and its long proboscis to feed, similar to an anteater. Its feet are equipped with very sensitive pads that can detect the slightest movements underground.
Gliese 667 Cc - Ilp
The long tongue of the ilp is its only manipulable tool. It's an arboreal creature, so it uses the rest of its appendages for climbing. Its tongue has to be stored in a pouch that stretches across its entire torso.
Gliese 667 Cc - Shoveljaw

An apex predator, the shoveljaw uses its tusks to unearth the ground around its prey. Its antlers are used in territorial fights against other elk. Its peculiar hooves act as shock absorbers and allow it to travel extremely fast with ease under the strong gravity of Gliese.
Gliese 667 Cc - Unt
The unt spends most of its time underground digging large tunnels to keep cool under the extremely hot surface of the deepest and largest valley on Gliese. Digging is easy for the unt with its enormous claws, tusks and horn.
Gliese 667 Cc - Hammerfoot
Extremely slow, the hammerfoot cannot easily escape danger. to defend itself it stands on it hind legs and cock its front legs back. its front legs can kick with such force most predators know not to attack head on.
Gliese 667 Cc - Piraffe
Extremely similar to Earth's giraffe, the piraffe's long neck and tongue ar used for eating the leaves of tall trees. Shock absorbing hooves help support its large mass on relatively slim legs as well as give it a rapid gallop.
Gliese 667 Cc - Bladderback
The bladderback has a powerful eye that can see the same visible light we can as well as infrared. Other animals on Gliese see in only infrared as their star emits mostly infrared light. The bladderback has camoflauge that only works under infrared light.
Gliese 667 Cc - Bladderback (inflated)
A separate windpipe allows the bladderback to inflate its bladder with the surrounding air, quickly adjusting the temperature inside the bladder to be the same as its surroundings.
Gliese 667 Cc - Bladderback (infrared)
An inflated bladderback becomes virtually infisible to any animal on Gliese.
Gliese 667 Cc - Brush Tree
The brush tree is an enormous tree with a 25 ft diameter. Its leaves are black because the light it reflects is infrared, invisible to our eyes.
Gliese 667 Cc - Bagweed
The bagweed is a carnivorous plant and catches prey with a pleasant aroma at the bottom of the bag. When triggered the webbing on the ends of the tendrils quickly compress, trapping whatever was inside. From top to bottom the tendrils slowly zip closed to crush its prey and secrete digestive enzymes.
Plausible Extraterrestrial Life

Plausible Extraterrestrial Life

What would life look like on other planets in our galaxy... or even our solar system?


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