In-Store Redesign for BABIES R US
Provided Graco with creative input for new Babies R Us in-store merchandising initiative that would bring together all categories related to Baby Feeding (e.g., formula, food, utensils, bibs, highchairs, etc.) Found ways to cohesively merchandise Feeding categories and enhanced Shopper navigation based on their needs.
Floor overview of preposed new foot traffic, plannograms and merchandising placement.
Redesigned Floor Plan
Semi-contained Feeding section
5' shopping aisles throughout 44' x 44' floor plan
Floorspace design angled for greatest use of depth for gondolas
Direct line of sight from Concierge area to rear of space
Feeding Kiosk located near Concierge area in case customers have questions
Entrance is narrow at front end, then opens wider to engage the Shopper
Space is organized via life-stage
Overivew of floor plan. Concierge and registry desk in front, followed by 4 gondolas displaying Graco strollers and car seats in an informative manner. Back wall draws traffic to interactive displays and lifestyle information, tips and advice. 
Gondola with endcaps portraying wayfinding signage apart of the build.



BABIES R US In-Store Redesign for GRACO


Creative Fields