Kristen Carless's profile

Spiritus - Graduate Capstone Project

For my final semester of my Associate Degree in Graphic Design, we were required to create a self driven Capstone project. 
My Capstone was a brand identity of a self made Tradtional Animation Company
Spiritus is an animation company who specialize in traditional animation. As we progress further in technology, Spiritus strives to combine the old with the new.
Incorporating the use of Zoetropes and other old fashioned tools, Spiritus hopes to allow the new generation to appreciate the craft.  Showcasing the craftsmanship behind the creation of animation, Spiritus gives life to their work.
Please watch
Flip book hand cranked animation of companies animaited logo
Promotional boxset, for clients. Boxset includes: DVD with companies animation work, Slip Case containing; Calling Card, Business Card and Book.
Inside slipcase
Spiritus Booklet, companies history and work.
Chapter page with lift up tab with famous Animator quote 
Thaumatrope Business card that has pull off tabs, so it can  fit into your wallet
Phonoscope Calling card, with animation.
Exhibition Photos at First Site Gallery
Spiritus - Graduate Capstone Project

Spiritus - Graduate Capstone Project

Associate Degree in Graphic Design, Capstone Project.
