Secret 7"
Artist: St. Vincent
Track: Digital Witness
The task was to create a vinyl cover which didn't include the artist's name or the track for one of the artists taking part in the competition. 
The visual idea behind this cover is to portray an invisible human presence which has been distorted through static. Asthough the human presence has been switched off and drowned out by static to create a digital being. Visualising the mechanical way in which people look at the world today. Using vibrant colours that echoe the lively, punchy melody of St’Vincent’s track. The content of the lyrics portray people’s detachment of reality due to the proliferation of technology and social media. They have subsequently switched off from reality and switched on to a falsely perceived digital persona.
Secret 7"

Secret 7"

The task was to create a vinyl cover which didn't include the artist's name or the track for one of the artists taking part in the competition.
