Marc Marius Mueller's profile

Two Sides to Innovation

Two Sides to Innovation
What being at the end of the food chain led us to
The so-called innovation project was part of the Design Methodologies class at SCAD, during winter quarter 2011. The assignment was to create two visual that dealt with the topic innovation, showing both a good and a bad kind of innovation - from our personal point of view.
The topic I chose was food, stating that while I appreciate the variety of food we have available today, there is also a lot of food that is probably even worse than the food our early ancestors were eating.

Greasy fast food was my interpretation of  negative innovation in the realm of food.
(I was taught never to play with food and then let it go to waste, therefore, I actually forced myself to eat this afterwards. Talking about suffering for your art)
The variety of foods in the nutrition pyramid was my interpretation of positive innovation. 
(Again, all of this food has been eaten afterwards. Although, a since I was full after the chicken and the fries, I shared it with friends)
Two Sides to Innovation

Two Sides to Innovation

The work was part of the Design Methodologies class, winter quarter 2011, for the so-called innovation project.
