Mimi Kagel's profile

Cinderell Comic

This past semester I took a Graphic Novel class in college. For the final project, our assignment was to create a twelve page comic. I decided to take my Cinderell concept and create a comic around it. A lot changed from the original story, one of the major things being that it stopped being a dark story about emotional abuse and an evil stepfather and became a more lighthearted story of two families coming together, a kid unhappy with change, misunderstandings, love, and some bratty, but not evil, stepsiblings. And I have a lot of ideas for prequels, adventures, expansions, sequels as minicomics in the Cinderell series... mostly in the vague sketches and outlines stage so far. Anyway, this post is going to be added to when I have a moment to scan the original pages and upload them, but for now, enjoy some concepts, illustrations, and photographs of the comic itself:
Character Designs. Ellemern Nightfield, Bess Morimoto, Prince Naoki Sora. Note: They're shown at/around age 18; later, when working on the actual comic, I decided to have the three aged around 13, instead. Still, the designs held. Digital, done using MyPaint and some editing in Corel Painter Essentials. Wacom Intuous tablet.
Below: ~10 year old Ellemern. Digital, done using Corel Painter Essentials. 
Below: Concept art of a scene. I originally planned on including this as a splash page, from Naoki's pov, but I ended up not doing that for reasons.
Below: photos of the physical, final, printed and spiral-bound comic. First the cover, and then a peak at the interior. Scans forthcoming soon.
Above: wip photo of one of the comic's pages.
Above: photo of the original copy of the first page.
Cinderell Comic

Cinderell Comic

Comic based on my cinderell concept, done for my final project in Graphic Novel class. concept art, wips, photographs/scans of the finished work.
