For one of my final year self-initiated projects I set myself a brief to develop a semi self-promotional device:
Create a self - promotional device of your choosing 
Choose a theme you feel reflects you as an illustrator / your work and use this as a starting point to produce your own promotional device. 
You can work across different media or in one specific way 
Consistency is key with this project, whatever you choose to make must work as a set. 
My chosen theme: fate 
Tarot cards - i will re-design a set of tarot cards to act as a self-promotional 
calling card / business card 
I will choose the tarot cards that i will re-design by reading my own tarot to devine my aspirations and goals, then re-design these cards to represent what each one means, in accordance with my reading. 
9 tarot cards to re-design 
Each card will have 3 elements: an animal that i believe has the same
characteristics that 
                                the card displays 
                                a letter that is representational of the name of the card
                                a symbol that i believe is representational of the animal                     
                                and the cards meaning
Each card must contain my professional information, contact details etc 
Each card must have the name of the card somewhere on it and must have an Explanation of the cards meaning and how the animal is relevant to the card 
The cards must reflect myself as an illustrator and the kinds of techniques and methods i use in my work. 
For the purposes of this project birdhouse sampled from Bomo Art wrapping paper 
Tarot Cards

Tarot Cards

For one of my final year self-initiated projects I set myself a brief to develop a semi self-promotional device: Create a self - promotional dev Read More
