Random Frames
An assortment of frames and storyboards from over the years
I often wonder about all the storyboards that never get seen other than by the artists and the clients that decline them.  I've been doing this for awhile and a lot of the time it's another lower third, another paycheck, with no real creative satisfaction.  But sometimes along the way, on a pitch or presentation, you make some stuff that you feel is a little better than the normal output but at the same time still doesn't get picked for some reason or another.  All good, we understand it's a business.  But there still is some creative pride and we don't want the work to disappear into the void of lost frames.  I decided to put together a collection of random frames that I've done over the years, some things got picked some didn't or some never made it to the animation stage but still hold some sort of connection for me.
Random Frames

Random Frames

I often wonder about all the storyboards that never get seen other than by the artists and the clients that decline them. I've been doing this fo Read More
