Yasutaka Horie's profile

Guardian Buddha : 不動明王 Fudo Myo-o

Fudo Myo-o
Fudo the immutable & immovable.Guardian of people born in the Zodiac Year of the Rooster.
Fudo wields the "kurikara" (devil-subduing) sword in right hand (also symbolizes wisdom cutting through ignorance); holds lasso in left (to catch and bind up the wicked).
Myo-o statues appear ferocious and menacing, with threatening postures and faces designed to subdue evil and frighten unbelievers into accepting Buddhist law.
右手の利剣は、貪り・憎悪・心の迷いの三毒と種々の煩悩を両断し、 左手の羂索(けんじゃく)は、人々が迷いの道に陥ろうとするとき、進むべき道へ引張り導いてくれます。また身を包む大火焔は、一切の煩悩を 焼き尽す大慈悲の徳を表しています。
Guardian Buddha : 不動明王 Fudo Myo-o

Guardian Buddha : 不動明王 Fudo Myo-o

EIGHT BUDDHIST PROTECTORS OF THE ZODIAC. Who is your Zodiac Guardian Deity? Buddhist guardian deity based on year of birth.
