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Toombs County Marketing

Toombs County Brand Story & Marketing Case Study

More than an onion.

Grow brand awareness for the breadbasket of Georgia, increasing economic development, driving regional prosperity, and promoting Toombs County as more than just an onion.

Positioning for prosperity
The Toombs County Development Authority (TCDA) is an economic development body organized, operated, and funded for the purpose of fostering current and new business growth in the area. The TCDA exists to nurture the sustainable quality of life in the county/community by attracting investment, connecting people, forging relationships, and serving as a catalyst for prosperity. They stand ready to connect businesses and assist with their relocation and expansion needs. Its major industry is agriculture, and is of course, famous for the sweet Vidalia Onion, which is internationally recognized in agriculture and culinary circles. Part of the Toombs story is the story of the state of the art medical facility in this small town, a progressive communications infrastructure for a small town, Ladson Genealogical Library which is one of the largest such libraries in the Southeast, and much more. Toombs County is more than just an onion. 

The TCDA was looking to build on this notoriety to increase both economic development and diversify the economy. The development authority needed a cohesive image and sales material to attract new businesses to move to the area. The current information being distributed by the chamber of commerce was a disjointed assortment of community brochures solely about the onion festival and tourism. They were looking to simplify their message into a consistent and synergistic look targeting businesses and development to boost growth. One of the significant challenges was working against the perception that it is country, in the boonies, poor, small town, rural, and uneducated. We were challenged to push past the image of a small agriculture community and communicate the progressive mindset and unique benefits of the area. They wanted to raise awareness and profile through branding and marketing and create a visual identity by which TCDA could use as a signature for all its activities going forward. 

Marketing: Connecting to Place
With deep roots in argibusiness, Toombs County was looking to leverage this asset to diversify and attract new businesses. TCDA needed a consistent image and marketing specifically targeting businesses. Toombs County wanted to build on its most recent economic rise and diversification by advancing its attraction of other industries—logistics, financial, technology, manufacturing/assembly, and warehousing industries. Not many counties can claim to be within an hour of a major port for global expansion while also being located in the heart of an agricultural region. Toombs County is uniquely located in the Georgia breadbasket, centrally located between mountains and the ocean and within 3 hours of 2 primary metropolitan markets of Atlanta and Jacksonville. Why transport raw goods long distances to process and then pay to transport back to where people are eating the goods. Why not bring the processing next to the production and distribution and as a result cut costs? This is especially important in today’s market as gas prices rise. This was the main message and focus of our marketing strategy. To target businesses that would benefit from the benefits of this location. Leveraging its central location and immediate proximity to major population centers and global ports, the TCDA will continue to evolve to meet the changing needs for businesses in the new global economy.

A critical part of the project was getting a thorough understanding of the people and place that make Toombs County special. Market research included desktop research, brand audit, business owner interviews, focus groups, and community groups. But the most important aspect of research was spending time in Toombs County, meeting the people and feeling the energy of the place. What we discovered was that it is the “connection” that makes this location unique. Connection was really the essence of the place. Both the connection of people within the community that make it feel like home; as well as, the connection and central location to interstates, airports, and ports. Important in the communication strategy for Toombs County was the notion of this central location. It is a connection point of working together, growth of agriculture, building upon strong agriculture land, wide open spaces, affordable and available land close to FL and GA growing areas. The key concepts derived from our research were those of Growth, Prosperity, Sense of Community, and Purpose. These were important concepts that inspired the development of the brand identity. 

Brand Story: Rooted but Reaching
The band story much like the county has deep roots in agriculture. It is a nurturing story of supporting the land, people, and community. A place that nurtures businesses and creates prosperity in the heart of Georgia’s breadbasket. This story blooms out of the connection point where land meets sky. A place that both provides strong support, but infinite potential for growth. As we developed the Toombs County brand the powerful metaphor of one hand in the soil, one hand reaching for the stars was used to direct the brand and marketing campaign. The idea of “rooted but reaching.” Rooted in family values and honest living, just like the plants are firmly rooted and extending into the soil, providing a strong foundation for growth. Plants rooted for strength, but always growing and reaching for the sky. A safe community for your family with a modern vision for the future of business. The development authority is there not only to help you plant your roots and get your company started but they are there to help businesses reach for the stars, to grow, and to prosper along the way. 

The ecosystem of economic development requires as much attention and stewardship as any found in the natural world. Good companies develop people who in turn, take productive roles in the development of communities and likewise, support business growth and prosperity. Helping to optimize the success of corporate residents increases quality of life for everyone. The development authority doesn’t leave a business high and dry once they move to Toombs County they help them to grow their business and provide this ongoing support. Rooted means that the plant has support and is getting the nourishment and support it needs from the soil. This is also what the development authority does for businesses. The roots of a plant also provide a network to other plants in the area. The businesses in Toombs County support each other as evidenced by the 7 area banks coming together to help support new businesses when needed. Not only do Vidalia onions grow here but also trust grows here, dreams grow here, knowledge grows here, businesses grow here, and families grow here. Like a Vidalia onion, there are many layers to Toombs County you just have to start peeling them away. The county is firmly planted but in so doing is constantly reaching for new opportunities.

Cultivating a new identity
The concept of “Rooted but Reaching” became a driving force for the brand identity and marketing campaign. Many ways to play off of these words but there is more than just cool word play in action; rooted, planting, and growth all have strong connotations for families, businesses, communities and life in general. With its roots historically planted in agribusiness, Toombs County wanted to diversify by advancing its attraction of new industries. We also needed to communicate its central location and immediate proximity to major population centers and global ports. Many government bodies, industry associations and such gravitate to marks that are formal and somewhat stodgy in nature—crests or seals that look like stamps. But economic development is all about new positive growth, creating systems for prosperity, the improvement of community lives through invigorating business activity and progressiveness. The TCDA did not want a graphic to appear rural or folksy. They wanted to grow past the idea of a small agricultural community and communicate a progressive mindset. They wanted something energetic, and modern, and progressive. Therefore, it would stand to reason that the opportunity exists for us to create this tone through a more contemporary modern design, vibrant use of color, and simplicity. 

Our objective was to create a mark that embodied the nature of the organization as a business catalyst that helps companies grow. We built off of the concept of a network / patchwork of resources working together, fluid energy, and life. We also built on the idea of open space and available land. Needed to capture the idea of location, ecosystems, and evolution. When you think about prosperity and growth and try to connect it to a visual representation, all sorts of things come to mind. However, the visual mark must resist the temptation to become too delicate or flowery—at the end of the day—this logo is a business logo and should be treated in a more contemporary way. Soil to Sky is the metaphor we used to inspire the brand identity. I designed the logo to capture this energy cutting through the land and the sky. It also represents each piece of the puzzle working together, forward thinking, movement, energy and life. Abstract stained glass with a strong tie to agricultural heritage, wide open spaces, affordable land and the comfort of an abstract modern quilt.
Story-driven Marketing Campaign
Crafted a story-driven campaign integrating business success stories into all marketing pieces, inspiring new businesses that they can succeed here too. First we told the story of Toombs County being strongly rooted in agribusiness. Then we told the individual stories of community members, utilizing quotes from people that live there to whom Toombs has become home. The end of the Toombs County story is the beginning of the story for the company they are targeting and so a new chapter is written in the Toombs County story when a company invests in the area. TCDA says, “Our story is not complete without you.” We connected all touch points through these stories, coordinating brand messages across media to create engaging experiences. 
The initial project for Toombs County Development Authority included marketing materials such as folders, rack cards, stationery design, photography, logo design, tagline development, re-branding and positioning, website design, large format products such as posters and banners, advertising design and a newsletter template. I led a team of designers, illustrators, copywriters, and freelancers to develop all marketing materials. We developed a integrated sales kit which was a keystone piece in the marketing plan that is adaptable and flexible. It can be personalized based on the specific needs of the new business so that messaging can be further tailored to the unique audience. Because of the importance of this location, we hired a local photographer to take fresh, bright, and expansive photography to communicate all of the talking points and the essence of this unique place. I developed a shot list and art directed all on-site photoshoots for these creative assets. We needed additional photography of other specific times of year like festivals and events. So, I sourced all additional photography from local photographers on Flickr to integrate into marketing materials. Sourced and procured all supporting photography from stock photography and a few local photographers in Toombs County. I negotiated all fees and rights with all photographers. Managed all outsourced print production and web development, ensuring technical feasibility and correct implementation. 
Our goal was to create that personal experience of visit Toombs in every piece we do. We utilized a more personal copy style that is friendly and less salesy. Throughout the marketing campaign we utilized copy points that bring the personal experience to those outside, incorporating personal stories and quotes gathered from the business leaders in the community. Once someone comes to visit they fall in love with Toombs County we just had to get them there to experience it. The marketing pieces create that personal experience of someone visiting Toombs, meeting its people and the opportunities that exist therein. In doing so, we helped people experience Toombs County in every touch point.
Growing Into the Future
The result is a modern and cohesive brand image that unites this unique and visionary community. The majority of work was performed through August of 2009. We were responsible for the printing and production of all materials including the launch of the authority’s website. Sales kit won a Florida Print award in 2010. Won Silver Addy for website, Bronze Addy for Sales Kit, and Bronze Addy for the logo. Successful project became business case study utilized to win future accounts. The area has seen growth and expansion especially in the manufacturing sector. Giro, a subsidiary of a family-owned Barcelona-based company, has seen an average growth of 25–30 percent of the past five years. In 2013, a $4 million expansion at Giro added 34 new employees while doubling the plant’s floor space to 50,000 square feet, with plans to add another 25,000 square feet in 2014. The ease of access and support from Development Authority played a crucial role in the decision to put a plant in Toombs County. In 2014, TUMI Luggage was ready to pack its bags and head to the Western U.S., taking 190 jobs, the Toombs County Development Authority convinced them to stay and expand. They worked a deal so that TUMI could build an additional 75,000 square feet of distribution center space. U.S. Pet is in a permanent state of expansion. Toombs County continues to expand its reach into the future.
Toombs County Marketing

Toombs County Marketing

Brand identity and marketing to increase economic development and tourism revenue in world famous Toombs County home of the sweet Vidalia onion.
