My inspiration comes from flexible wood structure and sequential progression and my aim is to incorporate these two aspects into the design of the lamp. In order to harness the flexibility of the wood, slits have to be cut perpendicular to the direction of the bending.
The use of plywood to juxtapose with chemical wood is to draw contrast and to find the balance between natural and synthetic materials. The different material also informs the different design language through the form, natural wood flexible and soft while the chemical wood is edgy and hard.
The lamp is meant as a bedside lamp, the warmth light source coupled with the reflected light through the reddish copper sheet gives creates a cosy and comfortable ambience akin to the feeling of fireplace which can make a person feel relaxed and induce sleep.
The lamp lights up when the user uses two hand to connect the half bases together to form the complete lamp which will in turn light up the lamp. When not in use the lamp can be switched off by separating the bases apart. The lamp can also be opened up completely to be flat packed. 
Table Lamp

Table Lamp

Table lamp design that engages the user in a subtly different way.
