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The Ceara Fair and Events Center, Brazil

Ceará State Fair and Events Center 
ARCHITECTUS   • www.architectus.com.br
Kathia Román, Ricardo Saboia, Elton Timbó, Márcia Aretuza
 Fairs and Events Center are designed to accommodate multi-purpose events, large gathering of people, are characterized by large-scale buildings, which often reduced the plastic expressiveness. It belong to the concept of the project  the mission of establish a flexible treatment and a dynamic building.

Given these concerns, the Ceara State Fair and Events Center, has been designed in a modular way, in two large volumes of compounds exhibits a slight curvature of charges involving the courtyard crowned by the food court. The two volumes will be built on a modular trapezoidal prism, variously articulated, leading to a high rhythm of facades. This facades have a translucent coating, consisting of perforated metal plates, which, during the day, sunlight will cause glare, and at night time, the illumination will design special color effects.
Building mains facade 
Even when the final result of the composition is free, dynamic and natural-looking, the structure is rational and follows the modulation of the prismatic surfaces of facades. This organization allows the use of pre - manufactured  systems by facilitating a fast construction.  

The volume had as analog reference to the cliffs of the coast of Ceará and the texture of our handmade lace. So the architecture of the Fair and Events Center is a parallel between the current technological language and cultural references of the region.

Buildind Facade - analog reference to the Cliffs of the state of Ceará
In order to give lightness to the building, the metallic plates of the facades are suspended ten feet of the ground coming at twenty-five feet high, allowing the entire volume range of ladders, dimpled and access, while protecting the building shell of climate factors.
Main entrance Boulevard
Building Section
The modular structure of the building allows their use in simultaneous events,because of this, four different access were build to receive the audiences expected.

Interior perspective- example of fair
Interior Perspective - example of fair
Food Court Perspective
Located in an area of ​​170 acres, the building  supports 30,000  visitors at the same time in a total area of​​ 168,000.00 square meters. Fact that  able Ceará to receive major trade fairs and events in Brazil.

Building Access
Basically formed by two large volumes or pavilions, each of them can be subdivided in 9 equal rooms for several simultaneous events, each room have approximately 1530 square meters for multiple uses. This whole area of ​​the pavilion has a ceiling height of 14m on each module.

Each pavilion has four floors: basement, ground floor, 1st and 2nd mezzanine, all of them interconnected by conventional ladders, safety ladders, escalators and elevators.
Ground Floor
First Mezzanine
The ground floor, the 1st and 2nd mezzanine have, in both halls, bathrooms, comfort station, drinking fountains and telephones.

The basement and  the ground floor are provided with 3,200 parking spaces, including spaces  for handicap,  buses and landing points.

The 1st and 2nd mezzanine, have support rooms of different sizes designed to accommodate and enable various types pf uses, from auditoriums to small exhibitions, adding a total area of ​​11,260.00 square meters.

At level 1, there is a mezzanine with a Food Court that connects the two pavilions. This large  area of ​​5.928 square meters support restaurants, bars and several stores.
Second Mezzanine
The author's of the basic project is the Architect Joaquim Cartaxo. The executive project, the final definitions and details for construction, the   integrated process of all the building systems and supervising of the constructionphase were developed in a partnership between two arquitecture offices ARCHITECTUS and  Nasser  Hissa and Associates Architects, especially bythe architects Kathia Román Reina and Ricardo Saboia. The building was finished in june 2012.
The Ceara Fair and Events Center, Brazil

The Ceara Fair and Events Center, Brazil

The Fair and Eventos Center of Ceara - Brazil


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