Project Overview
Sheila Grace

Sewing & Seaming – Specialising in Bridal, Prom Custom Made Haute Couture

Project Goal
Create a sophisticated and elegant logo that reflects the high-end, custom nature of Sheila Grace’s haute couture creations, emphasizing craftsmanship and femininity.

The logo should incorporate elements that suggest tailor-made luxury and attention to detail, preferably integrating aspects of sewing or fabric that align with bridal and prom wear. The design must be versatile enough to work on business cards, website headers, and within social media profiles.
Design Process
Initial brief questionnaire
Gathered detailed preferences on style, colour themes, and icons (like needles, threads, or fabric folds) that resonate with haute couture.

Analysed competitors within the haute couture bridal industry to ensure uniqueness in branding.

Discussed potential concepts that blend elegance with the art of sewing, focusing on a monogram design that could symbolize personalisation and luxury.

Created multiple sketches integrating the initials 'S' and 'G' with flowing lines to suggest thread or fabric movement.

Multiple feedback sessions were conducted, leading to the refinement of curves and the selection of a subtle colour palette.

Final presentation
Presented several mockups demonstrating the logo in different uses, emphasizing its adaptability and elegance.

Copywrite handover
Transferred all necessary copyright documentation and digital files in various formats.
Final Design
The final logo design gracefully integrates the initials 'S' and 'G' of Sheila Grace into a flowing, intertwined script that resembles threads or fabric trails, reflecting the bespoke, intricate work of sewing and seaming. The choice of a soft blue palette evokes a sense of serenity and professionalism, appealing directly to the bridal market.

Final Logo
The logo appears as a delicate monogram of intertwined initials, creating a unique symbol that represents the artisanal quality and elegance of Sheila Grace's work. The fluidity of the lines gives a sense of motion and craftsmanship, crucial for the haute couture industry.

This logo design translates beautifully across various mediums – from digital avatars and website headers to elegant business cards and embroidered labels on garments. Its adaptability and recognition are key to brand consistency across all customer touchpoints.

Client Feedback
Sheila was extremely pleased with the final result, stating that the logo perfectly captures the essence of her brand’s luxury and bespoke service. The elegance of the design has been consistently praised by her clientele.

Since the launch of the new logo, Sheila Grace has seen an increased interest in her services, particularly through social media engagement and inquiries through her newly revamped website.

Personal Touch
Working on this project was a rewarding experience as it allowed me to delve into the nuances of haute couture branding. Crafting a logo that not only met but exceeded the client’s expectations was a profound validation of our collaborative design approach.
Sheila Grace


Sheila Grace

Sheila Grace re-brand excercise
