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The Kitchen Baking App for iOS Devices

The Kitchen Baking App
This design task was based upon the idea of creating an application for users to bake cakes and treats using their iOS devices.
Loading Screen.
News page. This is the default page of the application. Users can refresh the contents of the news page by using the refresh button. The tab bar consists of images and text to help the user navigate through the application.
News Article. This is default news article.Users can navigate through the news section through various methods. The first being using the back button. The second allows the users to swipe through the article using the swipe gesture available. The final is simply selecting the home button. Users can also share news articles through social media and can change the size of text to help users accessibility.
List of recipes. Simple scroll up and down the list for recipes.
Recipe - Summary Page. The recipe is divided into three sub sections; Summary, Ingredients and Steps. The summary page offers basic details about the recipes such as number of people it serves. The user once again has the option to share this recipe via social media.
Recipe - Ingredients. This list of ingredients is separated into several groups for example, sponge and sauce. On this page the user can add the list of ingredients can be added to the Shopping List section of the application via the plus button in the top left.
Recipe - Ingredients - Alert message.
Recipe - Steps. This page allows the user to bake the product they have selected. The user once again can change the size of the text to suit their needs.
Recipe - Share Options.
Shopping List - When the user adds ingredients to the shopping list this is where it appears. In this case these are the ingredients for the Sticky Toffee Pudding mixture from before. The user can individually delete items from the list.
More options.
The Kitchen Baking App for iOS Devices

The Kitchen Baking App for iOS Devices

Baking app for iOS devices
