Chris George's profile

Editorial Illustration - BuzzFeed UK

I have freelanced with website Buzzfeed to produce custom illustrations and typography to support and enhance long-form articles.
In the article “I Joined a Telephone Laughter Club”, the writer joined a group who began each morning with a conference call in which they all laughed together. No jokes, no conversation; just laughter. The brief for this piece required illustrations for the header banner and pull-quotes.
A person’s laugh is very distinctive trait, and I wanted the header image  (right) to reflect that. To that end, I had the laughter in the image in different fonts. To further their individuality, I decided to avoid existing fonts and instead hand-lettered them.

All banners needed to work on both mobile and desktop, and suit an embedded Soundcloud player.
A person’s laugh is very distinctive trait, and I wanted the header image (above) to reflect that. To that end, I had the laughter in the image in different fonts; I decided to initially hand-letter these, rather than use preexisting fonts.
The images for the pullquotes featured an animated, guffawing smartphone. I wanted the quotes to evoke the copy, hence the fade-in in the example below, and the bellowed "haw haws" in bold, below.
Editorial Illustration - BuzzFeed UK

Editorial Illustration - BuzzFeed UK

In this article, the writer joined a "laughter club" where members conference call every morning and laugh together, to start their day on a brig Read More
