Feito para "pintar e bordar" a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar, com qualquer tipo de material. este projeto foi desenvolvido com sobras variadas de outras produções gráficas (papelão cinza, papeis coloridos, tecidos e elásticos) em dois tamanhos: 190mm x 140mm e 140mm x 110mm, ambos com 160 páginas. A lombada é aparente para ressaltar os diferentes papéis do miolo e a guarda, que suporta a capa, foi desenvolvida em tecido.
Made to scribble all the time and anywhere with the most several materials, this project was developed with leftovers from previous productions (gray cardboard, various papers, fabric and elastic bands) in two sizes: 190mm x 140mm and 140mm x 110mm, both with 160 pages. The seam of the spine was maintained apparent to highlight the play of colors formed by the different kind of papers used and the guard, which gives support for the covers, was performed in fabric.




Made to scribble all the time and anywhere with the most several materials, this project was developed with leftovers from previous productions ( Read More
