Siera Ebanks's profile

Overcoming Adversity

It is the middle of spring semester, which means Midterms are underway. This can be a stressful time for students because they may have multiple exams crammed into one week. This is the case for many students. At all hours of the day, LSU’s 24-hour Library, is filled with stressed out students. Students are put under a substantial amount of pressure, especially those of demanding majors. Middleton Library is the ideal place to study because it is just steps away from the computer based testing center, where many students midterms are scheduled to be. Daniela, a sophomore at LSU, is feeling the pressure of midterm week.  She goes to the library only a couple hours before her exam to study. As time progresses she finds that hard work really does pay off.
Daniela goes to Troy H. Middleton Library to get some last minute studying in before her exam
LSU Students begin to crowd Troy H. Middleton Library early in the day as they
prepare for their upcoming midterms
Daniela was very focused and determined to recieve a good grade and devoted her free time to study
Daniela looks thoroughly through the libraries books to find the right one she needs
Daniela feeling overwelmed by the amount of information she has to learn before her exam
Robert L. Himes Hall holds LSU's Evaluation and Assessment Center, where many students go to take midterms
Daniela enters the exam center as she puts her great studying skills to the test.
Daniela is overjoyed about the grade she made on her midterm
Daniela and her friend enjoy a celebratory meal filled with laughs after a successful day of studying 
Overcoming Adversity

Overcoming Adversity

Photo Essay of the typical college student during Midterm week
