Pez Frito
ESP | El concepto del Pez Frito, nace de la unión del típico freidor extrapolado al chiringuito de playa de toda la vida. Para ello, nos inspiramos en la estética americana de rotulación de los 40's “Sign Painter”, donde predomina un rico colorido y un dibujo suelto que encaja muy bien con la luz y la idiosincracia gastronómica gaditana.
ENG | The concept of Fish Fried, born of the union of the fryer typical extrapolated to the beach bar for a lifetime. To do this, we were inspired by the American aesthetic labeling of the 40's "Sign Painter", where rich colors and a loose pattern that fits well with the light and food idiosyncrasy by Cadiz.
Fotografía Tania Castellanos
Pez Frito

Pez Frito

The concept of Fish Fried, born of the union of the fryer typical extrapolated to the beach bar for a lifetime. To do this, we were inspired by t Read More
