Under Teresa Sausville's Advertising Production course, the non-client, Purell, requested a campaign that would position its brand as the answer to its competition's shared failure: leaving moms and kids with rough, dry hands. Our campaign begs the question, "Can't you get a strong clean skin without rough skin?" Below are 2 Billboard Advertisements, followed by a TV spot storyboard.
Billboard Ads
Billboard ad features our Tough Kid: The Boxer Baby
Billboard ad features our Tough Kid: The Good, The Bad, and the Softer
TV Spot: My live action spot is geared toward mothers, but also aims to set into motion an interactive connection between children and the Purell brand. This western bit begs the question, why solve one problem with another?
Purell Campaign

Purell Campaign

Under Teresa Sausville's Advertising Production course, the non-client, Purell, requested a campaign (2 billboards and 1 television spot) to posi Read More
