The Logos
The Wings
The Badge
Brand Application
Landscape Print Ad
Landscape Print Ad
Landscape Print Ad
Poster Design
Poster Design
Store display
In store poster
Behind The Scenes
What I love most about Track and Field is the team. People don't think of it as a team sport; but it is, and it's amazing to see so many people from different backgrounds come together, and support each other. For the 4 years that I ran track in college, that team became my second family, and I'm thankful for that experience. The people I met, the experiences I had made my life better in so many ways.
Influenced by those 4 years, the purpose of this photoshoot is to capture the variety of personalities, and bonds that exist on that team.
Kirsten Hollister (short-mid distance sprinter, thrower, jumper)
Kirsten, and Josh Etheridge (Jumper, sprinter)
Calli Basile (sprinter), and Dan McSurdy (short-mid distance sprinter, hurdler)
"Ricky" Derrick Davis (mid-long Distance)
Kareem Mickens (short-mid distance sprinter)
Abdul Hamid (mid-long distance)
D.J (thrower)
Dushaun Blackwood (sprinter)
Dushaun, and Kareem
DuShaun, and Kareem
Thank You
To everyone that participated, and thank you to Keystone College Track and Field. Also, I'm sorry that I couldn't include everyone that was invovled in this presentation.
Comments, and appreciations are welcomed
Track and Field

Track and Field

This Branding project is basically my thank you to the team that became my second family for the last 4 years.
