With gin products gaining market share, J&B wanted to launch a campaign in Spain to reverse the tide. In order to do so, it held a pitch between Kesselskramer, the agency that carried the international account, and The Farm Co. Madrid.
One of the brand’s objectives was to break J&B’s association with nightlife, where it had historically been positioned, and open up the market according to the new habits of the consumer, without losing the brand’s sophistication and market leader image.
Through an emphaty map we discovered consumers’ attitudes towards brands had been changing, and against the backdrop of the crisis, we brought forth a concept from a much more human values perspective.

                                                                                           . . . . .

Experience has become a new measure of richness. Everything we do, we want to share with others. J&B invites you to participate in the largest experiential movement ever seen:
The Experiential Movement, sharing thousands of unique experiences inspiring others and making real the best of them.

Be rich in experiences proposes to enrich the lives of consumers with unique, unexpected and emotive experiences that go beyond the day-to day and the conventional.​​​​​​​
To do so, we polled several candidates to find two real and inspiring experiences of real consumers (one of them framed around Christmas) and recounted by them in a transmedia storytelling campaign.

To continue the consumer journey experience we developed multiple platforms and formats (J&B Site, Facebook App, You Tube Brand Channel, Twitter and Instagram hahstag #jbinspirational, Online Banner Adverts) and additional content for each experience. ​​​​​​​
Through a -making of- the protagonists talked about what it was like to be featured in the advertising campaign. J&B then invited the consumers themselves to become the protagonists of the next advertising campaign.
Through the new interactive platform -Experiential Movement- J&B became the vehicle for thousands of interconnected users to co-create and share their unique experiences.
Inspired co-creators and content generators received an emotional reward besides the possibility to be voted as The Winner Experience by other members on the social platform.

260,000 visits on Experiential Movement platform.
8,495 posted experiences.
24,195 new Likes on Facebook.



Digital Platform & Social Networks Campaign


Creative Fields