Dekho Magar Pyaar se was a course where we pinpointed at various sections of Indian cinema and Hindi sitcoms.We discussed about the several areas of our ever young Bollywood world and how it has evolved over decades.The course was rather informative and made us think of several areas where we wouldnt think of.
We spoke about the best advertisments and what makes it a good one.The story line, the acting , the charachters or the emotional aspect of it.I chose the advertisment of ICICI Bank which was simply how two people care about eachother without the other person even questioning it.
This poster is a new look for the Fastrack tag line "Move on".I wished to portray a young teen on half a side with an old lady being her ither half.The old lady is moving on with the new culture and adopting herself with the various different advanced ways of living life.Thus,she is shown leaving her bead necklace aside and grabbing a pair of sunglasses.


This project was about discovering various aspects of Indian Cinema which opened the doors to much more insight thinking.


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