Dennis Sadel's profile

3D Printed Coaster

These are the initial parts used to make our coaster. they are segments of a logo I stumpled upon and like the look of. Thought it could make a nice coaster.
After a bit of work importing vector files into tinkercad and playing about a bit, I finally got something coaster looking. Had to make it with 3 different files/layers. The outer bumps, inner bolts and the bottom plate.
This is my final model before printing. To actually print the coaster I used the export for 3d printing function tinkercad has then loaded it onto my printer. The printer im using is the 3D create & print printer, it's a pretty cheap one and did a great job for my first design and print
These are pics of the final print, pretty happy with the turnout. Sadly didn't have the right blue plastic to print with but I feel the black works just as well. Even threw in a pic of it in use.

Thanks for looking and I hope it inspires you to get modelling/printing too! :)
3D Printed Coaster

3D Printed Coaster

Took a logo liked, modeled it up in tinkercad then used my 3d printer to bring it to life
