Anna Deakova's profile

Bond and Construction

This serie of jewellery is my personal experiment with construction, geometry and connectionts. Its a 3D vizualization of our virtual connections as social sites, now we finnaly can have some haptical experience and feel the present of our relationships. Pearls has their own special function – decorate whole object, show the most important point and "catch the signal" like some small satelites.

Séria objektov je mojím osobným experimentom, pokusom zhmotniť virtuálne vzťahy a prepojenia jednotlivých osôb v mojej pamäti. Niektoré stretnutia a väzby sa opakujú, iné sú jedinečné a dôležité. Tak ako perly - snímajú príjem, ako malé satelity.
Bond and Construction


Bond and Construction

jewelry collection in progress
