I have designed the front page of what will be kulu kulu’s website. It incorporates the circular theme that runs throughout the entire brand. I wanted to keep it simple, without clutter. I achieved this by having the only colour on the page the logo but when hovered over with the cursor the image behind the text turns to colour.
Wall Art
These three pieces will be mounted from floor to ceiling, side by side in the restaurant itself. It is all about incorporating western and eastern culture into one through the kulu kulu brand. I felt it important for the japanese to come first in respect to the traditions that come with sushi making.
A range of posters have been designed to be specifically used with each other to promote kulu kulu. Because they are to be used together, the underground escalator is the ideal place to display them. They can carry a message as you travel down or up, reading as you go. It again balances the relationship between eastern and western cultures.
The Mint
This mint chocolate is the only time when the brand breaks the colour scheme. It shows that the brand can be used successfully in other applications - it is not just plastered in red everywhere. In order for this to be successful, this product needs to be the only exception to the colour scheme, any more and it will not be as effective.
Light Box
This sign is to be displayed out side the restaurant protruding into the street so passers by can see. It is a red shell with the kulu kulu type cut out allowing the light to shine through. This is also one of the few times the the word ‘sushi’ is included in the logo so the public can see what kulu kulu is.
Kulu Kulu

Kulu Kulu

Year 1 - Branding Project I was given the London based sushi restaurant, Kulu Kulu and my task was to successfully re-brand them as if they were Read More
