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A Timeline of Love - Data mining project

This is a static piece representing number one songs from the British Chart from the 1950’s to present day. These years all have something in common; this is that the most used word in every number one song in each year is the word “Love”. The amount of times the word Love is used per year is represented in a love heart. Each love heart contains the word love written the same amount of times it was used and this is done per year. The love hearts are then displayed horizontally, from left to right, next to one and other starting with the 1950s. The love heart and text contained in the love heart are represented in the colour red, as this is a colour that is commonly associated with the word love. The love hearts are also representing the word love, as the heart is commonly associated with love. The wavy lines  going through all the love hearts represents a waveform associated with sound in music. There is a wider space next to the last love heart as a symbol that the music is on going. The differences in the sizes of the hearts is a representation of the data and shows how many times “love” was used for each year because of this the love hearts can be compared against each other.
https://avantgardeindigitalmedia.wordpress.com/ - the whole project was documented through this blog
A Timeline of Love - Data mining project

A Timeline of Love - Data mining project

This is a static piece representing number one songs from the British Chart from the 1950’s to present day. These years all have something in com Read More
