Claus Andersen's profile

Fake posters project

This project contains four fake posters i have made in Photoshop as a learning experiment. I have used different free pictures from and some of my own to make these posters. It was a fun process and each have taken from one hour and up to make. I have included some proces pictures for the first action poster after the main four pictures.
A fake poster for a action movie called "Explode". I think it's looks like a poster for a 80's action movie. The actors name is fake of course. And no need to say the date is fake too :)
A fake poster for a scary movie. It's a teaser poster with no movie title.
A fake poster with a romantic touch. The woman on the picture is my lovely wife. The actors name is fake of course.
Yet another fake poster. Maybe you can guess what is for.
I have included some pictures of the process in building the action poster, and they follow under here.
The base picture with sky removed.
A sky from another picture added.
Explosion added with brush and a special custom layer style. Smoke is added to.
A road in the foreground is added.
Light reflection from the explosion is added.
A truck with some soldiers is added.
Motion blur is added for the truck, and some layers of shadow.
Two airplanes is added.
A third airplane is added and it's exploding.
Color correction and some lens flare to intens the explosions, and give the sun some life.
Last the text is added. That all.
I think I will continue to make some posters as a way of being better at Photoshop and composition. It was kind of fun to makes these, and if you like, you can of couse make comments or share. Good day to your all.
Fake posters project

Fake posters project

A small collection of four fake movie posters constructed from different pictures.
