First Look - 3D Infinite runner made with Unity.

So let me tell you guys what this is all about:
So the plan was to make a flappy the bird style game in 3D for learning purpose. And then after i made this game do exactly what i wanted to, obviously it was time to make it look good. Then i thought well, why not just release the game to test the market and see how many people will download it. 
So i added AdMob and in-app-purchases. also linked Game Centre 
Im already working on the second version of this game, but I'm not going to update it. But rather make it visually awesome and going the "cute" factor. Then releasing it as a completely new game, with some minor changes to gameplay.

This is what i used to make this :
- Unity 4.6.1
- Playmaker (which is a unity asset that allows you to use nodes instead of writing code. What this means is that you don't have to know any syntax and can just drag & drop and connect nodes to design your "code")
- Xcode (only used it to build my project and upload it to the app store. Also note that i didn't touch the code in Xcode)

So i would love to hear some feed back. good or bad.
Prototype Snow

Prototype Snow

After completing our prototypes we thought we would upload them for fun.
