I had recently tried French Pressed coffee for the first time and loved it. I wanted to make an informational poster about how to make it. I made the background in Photoshop, the images and text were all created in Illustrator.
This is one of two VW posters that I have made. I wanted to do some kind of minimalist poster while studying poster design during my independant study. I thought to myself, "What is one of the most reconaizable cars?" The VW Bug popped into my head, so I created this. I was looking at the black space above it and I knew that something needed to go there. It initially started with just "Volkswagon," but it still looked empty. "German Engineering" came to mind, I went to Google Translate and changed it from English to German and got this. 
I created this shortly after the VW Bug poster. I wanted to stick to the same kind of monochromatic, simplistic feel. 
I created this for a college application. I wanted a creative way to display my personal statement. 


These are some posters that I have created in the past few months.
