Stephen Zhou's profile

TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015 | Event Identity

TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015: The Human Narrative 
02.14.15 Mershon Auditorium
Concept Ideation
To fully portray the theme of 2015 TEDx event "The Human Narrative", I chose the pattern of a fingerprint - one of the most unique and iconic graphics from a human body - as the key visual element. Five fingerprints make up of a shape of a five-petal flower representing five tastes of our life journey - Bitter, Sweet, Salty, Sour, and Spicy. The ups and downs of the human life are mirrored in the blossom and wilt of the flower. All of these together embody our lives in The Human Narrative.
Event Identity
Typography + FingerFlower pattern
Outdoor Billboard Advertising
Speaker Posters
Print / Digital
Stationary Items
Program Book Design
Stage Design & Production
Photo credit: Chris Pan
TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015 | Event Identity

TEDxOhioStateUniversity 2015 | Event Identity

Branding Platform for TEDxOhioStateUniversity 5th Signature Event - The Human Narrative
