“Supernatural fantasy” started with a personal question that how and why is it such a great source of thrill. The anticipation of experiencing something supernatural is exciting as it temporarily takes us away from our mundane routine of survival to a fantastical land. It, for once, gives us a chance to be free from the reality that pressurizes us to survive in a certain way and a certain place. It sparks our imagination and ignites our capability to wonder and create stories that have a direct or an indirect connection to a person’s mental state.  And why are these stories important, because they help us cope up with our lives and even understand our lives in a better way and keep us from getting dull.    
“Ghost Train” is a person’s train of thought (stream of consciousness) which is haunted by his or hers supernatural fear. The film attempts to connect with the audience’s sense of fear through sound accompanied with a series of handcrafted and digital animation. Both sound and visuals are from a collection of explorations done over a period of time. It includes recorded clips, music notes, sketches and characters that had also evolved with time, experimental animation using charcoal, cut out as well as pixilation and several stories, all of which eventually fall under one topic: Supernatural fantasy.
The film travels from one place to another like in a dream and paints a surreal picture of a supernatural experience that is abstract in nature. The film aims to recreate the feeling that comes after waking up from a curious dream that looses most of its details, but haunts us by the memory of its experience.
Ghost Train (headphones recommended)
Animation in progress
Visual Explorations
Oil on Glass Animation
2D Digital Animation
Face Painting and Pixilation
Ghost Train Audio and other explorations (headphones recommended)
Ghost Train

Ghost Train

A short animated film on Supernatural fantasy that uses alternate film making technique and the stream of consciousness as its audio/visual narra Read More
