Prabhav Jain's profile

Power Divide in India

In this System’s Design project we worked in the area of electricity and developed our Project Under name of ‘Power divide in India’. The intent of the project was to understand electricity as a system in India and to map it on a giga-scale.  After which points of interventions & opportunities were mapped at product, service and policy levels.  A lot of research was done to understand various macro as well as micro level systems to gather insights by thinking at a systems level.In this project I took care of the primary research, visual design, sub system charting and Nibu product conceptualisation & design.

Giga Map: 148 x 40 Inches
Zoomed in Views of the Giga Map

 A lot of research was done to understand various macro as well as micro level systems to gather insights. 
Post research, we found insights that gave way to solutions in all possible directions, 
ranging from service design to product design and even policies.

Policy level Proposals 


Product Solutions
It lets you control and monitor the amount you want to spend during every session of use, for any appliance.
The device helps you control the consumption of electricity in terms of currency value. This automated device
can function on a micro level in every household, to control the consumption of electricity by heavy electrical appliances.

This concept works on motion-power technology to generate electricity with aid of vehicle weight 
on the road. The plan is to install these units on heavy traffic junctions to generate electricity. 

Proposed Service Design Map
Imagine Individuals being energy secured and making money or even making a living out of add to the great idea, the nation is less dependent on coal/fuel imports to generate more electricity and also that it is being micro-financed by the masses to truly become a closed sustainable system as far as energy dependency is concerned.

Consider that the government gives freedom to its citizens to generate electricity, instead to having license requirements or long chain of authorizations and paper work, it hints that India is ready to have energy entrepreneurs, who enable the power grids to deliver 'faster, better and more' even at peak power demand.
Micro, off-grid generation of energy that can be converted to currency or even virtual currency that enables barter and help develop Indian power sector...

For detailed documentation of the project please refer the blog:
Power Divide in India

Power Divide in India

In this System’s Design project we worked in the area of electricity and developed our Project Under name of : Power divide in India. The intent Read More
